Villaraigosa will tell you that MEChA has helped  thousands of Chicano students to finish college, and to have pride in their culture. But that is no justification for racism -- racist Louis Farrakhan also helped thousands of students to finish college, and to have pride in their culture.

Villaraigosa will tell you that his connection with MEChA is water under the bridge, but today, he continues to support MEChA, often featured as a speaker at "Raza" groups.

In an interview given to the San Diego Union-Tribune February 13, 1998, Villaraigosa said "But I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago, anymore than you are," but he steadfastly refuses to repudiate and condemn MEChA or any "Raza" racist factions, even though two Raza organizations (Nation of Aztlan & La Voz de Aztlan) call him a traitor to their cause (for being two-faced).

The current attitude of militant Hispanics toward the United States, the English language, European-Americans, and seizing control of the U.S. Southwest -- or Aztlan -- was revealed at a strategy session held in January 1995 at the University of California at Riverside under the title "Latino Leadership Summit Response to Prop 187."

More than 400 prominent Hispanics met, including elected officials, to discuss non-compliance with California Proposition 187, the voter-approved referendum denying illegal aliens free welfare benefits. But the conference seemed to deal more with Hispanic irredentism.

Art Torres, the Chairman of the California Democratic Party and the keynote speaker at the meeting, shouted to the audience "Power is not given to you. You have to take it...Remember 187 is the last gasp of White America in California!" and "Que Viva La Causa!" (Long Live our Cause!) -- and then later exulted over how he could make such racist remarks with total impunity.

Among the participants was Xavier Hermosillo, a Los Angeles radio talk show host, who had proclaimed on the CBS "48 Hours" show in 1993 that Mexican-Americans were taking political control of the "former Mexican colony, California ... house by house, block by block."

Another participant and friend of Villaraigosa, was Juan Jose Gutierrez, Director of "One Stop Immigration." Although Gutierrez runs One Stop Immigration with U.S. tax payer money, he makes no bones of his contempt for America.

Antonio Villaraigosa was also a speaker at that meeting. Among the many declarations uttered at the meeting which Villaraigosa did not repudiate were "English should be a foreign language"; "We are hostages in our own land, prisoners of war"; "We live under occupying alien force."; "We live in the annexed territories of Aztlan"; and "We're in a state of war ... a vicious threat to our existence."

Although Villaraigosa was and is a public official, he did not condemn the repeated calls for the establishment of an independent country of Aztlan or the references to this country as "AmeriKKKa" and the "United Snakes of America." In fact, Villaraigosa praised one of the participants, Jose Angel Gutierrez, Director of Mexican-American Studies Center at the University of Texas at Arlington, who has professed since 1970 that "Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes," and who once said at a MAYA (Mexican American Youth Organization, the forerunner to MEChA) meeting, "To the gringos in the audience, I have one final message to convey, 'Up yours, baby. You've had it, from now on.' "

At the 1997 Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting, where Antonio Villaraigosa was present, his good friend Jose Angel Gutierrez said "we have an aging white America, they are dying, I love it!"

Villaraigosa's close friend Mario Obledo, co-founder of MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund) and winner of the 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President Clinton, said on the Tom Leykis talk show - 6/17/98: "We're going to take over all the political institutions of California, in five years, we're going to be the majority population in this state." On the Ray Briem talk show - 6/17/98 Obledo said  "California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave" Asked by Ray Briem if he thought that the statement was racist, Obledo said "No, because that's a reality. California is going to be inhabited mostly by Hispanics... saying further "Well, if they (Anglos) don't like Mexicans they ought to leave. They ought to go back to Europe."

Two of Antonio Villaraigosa's close friends are California State Senator, Richard Alarcon and his sister, Evelina Alarcon. Evelina Alarcon is Vice Chair of CPUSA (Communist Party U.S.A.) and is chair of the Southern California District of the Communist Party USA and is the Secretary of its National Mexican American Equality Commission. She also writes editorials for the communist "People's Weekly World."

In a  May 18, 2000 Los Angeles Times article (Council Urges State Human Relations Panel), Assemblyman Antonio Villaraigosa, in response to the shooting rampage at a Jewish Center, introduced a bill that would create a 13-member state commission that would coordinate human relations work throughout California and advise the governor and Legislature on new laws needed to combat hate crime and discrimination. Villaraigosa wants to combat hate groups, but being a MEChA advocate, he must not think of Aztlan or Raza as hate groups or groups that discriminate.

Villaraigosa is the former Vice President of the Southern California ACLU, the organization that is supposed to fight against bigotry and prejudice. But Villaraigosa and the ACLU find nothing wrong with racism when it comes from Raza.

In earlier statements to explain his reasons for not supporting the enforcement of laws against illegal immigration, Villaraigosa is on record as saying that Illegal immigration is a Federal Problem that should be enforced at the border. But speaking on the radio interview show "Which Way L.A.?" (KCRW - FM) on Thursday, July 24, 1997, Villaraigosa said, "The federal government has said that this issue of immigration isn't (just) a federal issue, it's a California issue. Guess what? California has half the immigrants in the entire nation."

Critics of Antonio Villaraigosa, including myself, say he is a radical activist for promoting "Raza" separatism and advocacy of illegal immigrants to give them all the rights of American citizens. Examine the facts and judge for yourself:

In a letter to the Los Angeles Daily News ("Where I Stand," Sunday, May 21, 2000), Villaraigosa said "I have and will always endorsed open, fair, and representative government -- government that works for all of the people." Was Villaraigosa including all illegal aliens when he said "all of the people?"

When Villaraigosa was one of the key speakers at a Latino rally in Washington, DC, he was an outspoken advocate of the rally's seven demands, including amnesty and free education through college for all illegal immigrants.

At the 1997 Southwestern voter project meeting, Villaraigosa exemplified his intolerance for views other than his own, from other politicians -- especially Latino politicians, by sharply criticizing unnamed Latino leaders for supporting legislation that denies driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Villaraigosa said:
(sound clip-->) "They don't belong in office, friends, They don't belong here". Antonio Villaraigosa wants to legitimize illegal aliens by virtually making it legal to be illegal.

The Los Angeles Times reported on Wednesday, August 4, 1999, that Antonio Villaraigosa thanked President Ernesto Zedillo here Tuesday for helping defuse Proposition 187, saying the Mexican leader played a key role in scuttling the controversial state measure that denied benefits to illegal immigrants.  "As leader of the state Assembly, I say President Zedillo had great impact in defeating Proposition 187,"

Villaraigosa told a news conference after he and a state delegation met the Mexican chief executive when he visited California in May "he (Zedillo) pushed the process" that eventually invalidated most of the measure, the speaker said... ...A senior Mexican official who attended Tuesday's meeting said Villaraigosa told Zedillo that the latter's trip to California was "decisive" in invalidating Proposition 187. ..."He gave thanks on behalf of Mexican-Americans," said the official, Deputy Foreign Minister Juan Rebolledo...  ...The Mexican president responded to Villaraigosa's declarations Tuesday by breaking into applause, said Raul Hinojosa, a UCLA professor in the California delegation.

When asked by a Los Angeles TV station (KABC-TV) reporter on July 29, 1999 about Prop 187, "What happens to the will of the people?" Villaraigosa must have thought of himself as all nine United States supreme court judges when he declared "Well, the will of the people is something all of us have to respect, but when the will of the people is unconstitutional, (sound clip-->) the will of the people is null and void." Villaraigosa by himself declared Prop 187 unconstitutional when he knew that Prop 187 never reached the supreme court (thanks to Mexico's President Zedillo according to Villaraigosa).

In his editorial of August 8, 1999, in the L.A. Times, "The Remedy Is Mexican Jobs," Villaraigosa attempted to explain what was obviously his seeking Zadillo's favor by groveling when he wrote, "those who attacked me for crediting Zedillo's influence (in defeating Prop 187) overlooked the fact that I was in Mexico promoting the ultimate remedy for illegal immigration and the economically fueled reaction to it in California: improved business relations leading to improved economies in both places. And I think we made some progress."

Either Villaraigosa's idea of solving Mexico's problems by providing jobs in Mexico isn't sincere or he is totally ignorant of recent history. U.S. corporations have been moving thousands of factories from the U.S. to Mexico and China, ostensibly to provide jobs and improve conditions for Mexican and Chinese workers, but in spite of creating millions of jobs in those countries, the rate of Mexican and Chinese illegal entry to the U.S. is at a record high (Chinese make up the second largest group of illegal aliens behind Mexico entering the U.S.)

Imagine that! Villaraigosa wants to improve California's business relations with Mexico by mollycoddling President Zedillo. Villaraigosa must not be aware that California's exports to Mexico ballooned 94 percent from 1993 to 1997, the heart of former Governor Wilson's tenure, compared to only 47 percent growth for Texas, according to the U.S. commerce department's international trade administration -- without  mollycoddling!

Villaraigosa was trying to convince Californians that by conspiring with the leader of one of the world's most corrupt governments, and in the interest of Mexico, that he will somehow solve California's illegal immigration problem. Villaraigosa fought Proposition 187 on the grounds that it was an illegal state scheme to regulate immigration. Now he says that immigration is a state issue. Villaraigosa can't have it both ways."

In May of 2000, Speaker Villaraigosa joined Mexican President Zedillo in addressing the California Legislature. Although both men are thoroughly fluent in English, they both made their speeches in Spanish. Then Villaraigosa stood and began the Chicano handclap. Without knowing what they were doing -- as calls to their offices confirmed -- the rest of the legislators joined this spirited display of ethnic nationalism and started clapping, too. Any high school or college student in Southern California has heard this sound -- clap-clap, clap-clap-clap -- and understands its meaning. Like displaying the Mexican flag, it is the MEChA trademark clap and hails Chicano power.

On June 11, 2000, Antonio Villaraigosa showed up in support of 20,000 mostly Mexican illegal immigrants gathered at the Sports Arena for an AFL-CIO sponsored "workers rights" rally. While Villaraigosa says he wants to create jobs in Mexico for illegal immigrants, his appearance at the rally strongly suggests that he is more interested in jobs for illegal immigrants in California.

Los Angeles Unified School District says that if immigration continues at its present rate, they will have to build 150 schools by 2006 (that's more than one school every two weeks if construction starts this year, 2000). If Villaraigosa wants to be the Mayor of Los Angeles, he should explain to Angelinos how he thinks the school crisis will by solved while we all wait for him to create jobs in Mexico.

So what do you think?
Should Antonio Villaraigosa be the Mayor of
Los Angeles?