• Antonio Villaraigosa is the former Chairman of the UCLA Chapter of MEChA, an anti-American and anti-Israel separatist group vowing to liberate Aztlan (the U.S. Southwest), who refer to themselves as La Raza (The Race).
  • Antonio Villaraigosa is district past president of the ACLU
  • Antonio Villaraigosa refuses to cooperate with the federal government to deport illegal alien gang members.
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Antonio Villaraigosa wants amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens. Do you?
Amnesty rally, L.A. Sports Arena, June 10, 2000
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo joins California Assembly Speaker Antonio Villarigosa in Applause for Prop 187's demise.
Villaraigosa: "As leader of the state Assembly, I say Zedillo had great impact in defeating Proposition 187." (L.A. Times, Aug 4, 1999)