From La Voz de Aztlan

Some Villaraigosa supporters have mentioned that the above cartoon from "La Voz de Aztlan" is as critical of Villaraigosa as I am and therefore Villaraigosa is a victim and not a supporter. This "damned if you do or damned if you don't " situation exists for Villaraigosa because Hector Carreon, the anti-Semite who runs that site, is a "your with me or your against me" Aztlan fanatic who, so to speak, "fired" Villaraigosa from Raza when in 1999 Villaraigosa appointed Ron Unz to the post of Speaker's Commission on State Finance. Carreon considers Unz to be anti-Latino because of his initiation of Proposition 227 (to eliminate bilingual education in California). This brought scores of Raza Protestors to Sacramento where they proclaimed that Antonio Villaraigosa was a "vendido hispanic politico" (sellout) to the Aztlan cause and reversed their stand on him. Most people would take a hint, but not Villaraigosa -- he still continues to support "La Raza." Maybe that is why Villaraigosa didn't take advantage of the opportunity to repudiate La Voz de Aztlan, Nation of Aztlan, and the Aztlan cause, but he chose instead to ignore it.