October 25, 2001
Open Letter to Spencer Abraham, Secretary of Energy
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585
telephone: (202) 586-6210, fax: (202) 586-4403

Secretary Abraham:

Since the attack on the United States last September 11, I wonder if you have had second thoughts about your role in bringing it about? I refer to your actions that were - over the six years of your term in the United States Senate, especially as Chair of the Subcommittee on Immigration - against the best interests of the citizens of this nation.

Particularly egregious was your blocking for two years of Section 110 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act passed by Congress in 1996. This Section would have set up a system whereby the Attorney General could have tracked visa overstays with a new computerized entry and exit tracking system. We know that 16 of the 19 hijackers legally entered the United States with temporary visas, then melded into the fabric of everyday life without fear of detection. But you chose to be loyal to business and industry groups with strong ties to Canada and Mexico. Now nobody knows how many terrorists fill their cells in our country. You should have served U.S. citizens by upholding your Oath of Office to United States Constitution.

Another of your dishonorable moves was that you bowed to the wishes of companies in the Silicon Valley who wanted cheap labor and, with your help, hired computer engineers and programmers from foreign countries. There was no shortage of American engineers and programmers. Furthermore, the Coalition for the Future American Worker, made up nine well qualified black professional organizations, could not even get interviewed for jobs in those companies. You were well paid for your hard work with campaign contributions.

When immigration reform organizations throughout the United States worked hard to defeat you in your re-election campaign, you complained they were after you because you are of Arab descent. How shameful!

Now you bask in the glory of a Cabinet position while we, your fellow citizens, suffer the results of your perfidious past. Government, sir, is meant to serve the people and the best interests of the United States, not the special interests you prefered.

Name Withheld

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