Letter to the Editor, Orange County Register, June 10, 2001

The editorial "L.A. mayor's race shows divided city" (Register, June 8) falls short in its analysis, its only theme being ethnic divisions by race, ethnicity and voting blocs with Villaraigosa backed by Latinos and the liberal Westside Jewish community.  That is true, but Jim Hahn drew support from many who did not want that particular Latino, whose ethnic agenda has been well known in past years and became acutely public due to anti-Villaraigosa websites, community meetings, distribution of informative accurate publications and flyers, mailers and phone banks.  Where were investigative so-called journalists' coverage of those efforts?

Villaraigosa constantly announced, through his assembly speakership and this campaign, that he "wants to represent all the people".  His previous activism and actions in the assembly, however, contradicted his careful pronouncements and revealed his ethnic agenda, supporting and co-sponsoring every bill that aided and abetted illegal aliens - drivers' licenses, prenatal care, etc., even the infamous AB407 establishing "protected status" for persons illegally present in California.  Furthermore, Villaraigosa refused to dissociate himself from the radial student group MEChA that he chaired at UCLA, whose national constitution calls for the "liberation of our land".

Black, white, and Asian Americans resent massive illegal immigration - the dreaded "i" word unspoken by election analysts.  Instead, the Register prefered to quote an unnamed Latina activist and Villaraigos supporter: "...it's only a matter of time before Latinos control the city, the state, and even the country."

Your reference to the flexing of political muscle being the same as political machines earlier in this century is myopic.  Never in our history has a local population been overhelmed and displaced to the extent experienced in southern California by illegal immigrants and their progeny from Mexico and Central America.  It's odd;  the Register supports limited government and individualism while promoting an open borders policy that leads to groupism with perceived victimization, group identity and group demands promoted by radical leaders.  Thus we see predictions like that voiced by the "unnamed Latina activist" and continued resentment by displaced populations.

Name Withheld