May 6, 2001

To: Villaraigosa Campaign
Attention: Jim Bickhart

Obviously you are aware of Mr. Villar's loss. I'd like to thank you for your dialogue which was in my opinion instrumental in turning the results around from the post primary lead of 53% to 47% to a double digit defeat for your candidate. I believe it would have been his day except for our efforts to expose Mr. Villar's controversial views and associations. I assure you illegal Immigration will become a hot button issue in the future and I look forward to interchanging with you.

Craig Gomez
American Patriotic E-zine

I don't think you have to go any further than the crackpipe ad to explain this election, but you're welcome to obsess on immigration to your heart's content.  That issue may or may not have moved a few voters, but nothing moved people like that TV commercial did.  Anybody who thinks otherwise is, to borrow a cliche, "smoking something." Enjoy your fixations, but please include me out.

Jim Bickhart

As you wish Jim,

I'm sorry you are such a sore loser. Mr. Villar addressed our efforts directly in the last debate, and my guess is not because of ineffectiveness. And in case you didn't notice his poll numbers plummeted well before the crack pipe ads. So if it helps your deflated ego to fixate on crack ads, be my guest, The first line of defense is to know the strengths of your opponent and as long as you power elitist keep ignoring us you will continue to lose and will soon run out of excuses for failure. Denial is something else!

Craig Gomez


This MayorNo site posted information about Villaraigos's Vignali corruption scandal February 14, 2001. It seems that no one paid attention to it except the Hahn campaign. It is likely that the Hahn campaign was triggered to use the Vignali scandal by perusing  this site.

Hal Netkin