May 25, 2001

Most voters don't really care who is elected, and hope for the best. We stayed back and watched Bush be appointed by the Supreme Court. Our self congratulating Mayor Riordan backs this jerk, which is no big deal because Riordan isn't or wasn't such a good Mayor, compared to Tom Bradley. He works for nothing but is worth more than 100 million dollars from his toy company located in Mexico. I'm not racist but I feel persons coming here should do it legally. The Mexican government now give these people survival kits. This is making a joke of America. They get ALL rights that many Americans can't get. Automatic welfare, schooling for illegal immigrants, etc. You know the story. We vote for initiatives and then they are overturned in the court system. Now they can even vote and they are outnumbering whites, blacks and other minorities and they will put in their people, ones who will continually allow illegal immigration to take over this country.

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