The Following is the text of this Statement made by this MayorNo supporter on 5/06/2001 on the Terry Anderson Talk Show on KRLA (Broadcast every Sunday evening at 8:00 PM on KRLA, 870 AM radio), This supporter asked to have his message posted on this site and welcomes comments and criticisms.


May 18, 2001

I am a Black resident of South Central Los Angeles. If you don't live in Los Angeles please read on because this issue actually effects the entire American Culture. California is ground zero, but the Shockwave will soon be coming your way.

I am Extremely concerned about Antonio Villaraigosa's bid for Mayor of Los Angeles for the following reasons:

His primary goal, in spite of his rhetoric, is massive illegal exodus from Mexico, into the United States....

During his college days, Villaraigosa was the Chairman of MEChA, which is the Latino equivalent of the Aryan Brotherhood, a racist, anti American separatist group.

To this day Antonio Villaraigosa says he is proud of his past membership in that organization!

MEChA declares in their Manifesto that their ultimate goal is the liberation of "AZTLAN," which is what they call the Southwestern portion of the United States. They feel that the Southwestern part of the USA belongs to Mexico, they were here first and they're going to reclaim it "By any means necessary!"

Mexican Nationalist like Villaraigosa, know the futility of an armed insurrection against the United States, but they realize that subverting our immigration laws and massively repopulating our Cities is a better way of achieving the same goal.

No one can deny that illegal migration (at least 6 million in California) has had a negative impact on the economy in Los Angeles, its caused traffic congestion, overcrowded schools, infectious disease outbreaks, job displacement of American citizens, higher energy demands, billions in healthcare services, overloading our welfare system, and third worldizing of neighborhoods.

Violent drug cartels like the notorious 18th Street gang are made up of at least 50% illegals. And lets not forget the Tortilla Flats, who have been randomly assassinating Blacks in South Central for years (Hate crimes? Where is the outrage!)

But Antonio Villaraigosa backs Special order #40, that stops police from assisting the INS in arresting criminal alien gang members.

What's the use of having laws if we don't enforce them and law enforcement if they can't do their job? This kind double standard is the reason young people are cynical about the political process. The laws on the books should be enforced and not selectively!

Villaraigosa backed SB 60 which gives drivers licenses to illegals. That will make enforcement of our immigration laws an even bigger joke than it is today!

The D. M. V. says that any foreign national with a drivers license from their home country can legally drive in California, So what is the real purpose of this Bill?

Villaraigosa knows that a drivers license is the accepted form of identification in America and with it illegals will be able to vote and take control our elections!

Villaraigosa participated in a Washington, DC rally where he demanded amnesty for the 13 million illegal aliens living in the US. At that rally, surrounded by a sea of Mexican Flags, and declared in Spanish, "Today, I feel proud to be Mexican!" (and didn't say anything about, being proud to be an American).

He rallied at the LA Sports Arena, and again demanded amnesty for every one of the 13 million illegal aliens in the USA. If he gets his way, Chain immigration and illegal migration, could double the Mexican population by the next US census.

Villaraigosa joined the president of Mexico in preventing Prop 187 from reaching the US Supreme Court...That was a measure that was passed by the California voters by over 60% to stop their tax dollars from benefiting illegals.

But Antonio Villaraigosa, Grey Davis and The Mexican Presedente, decided it was unconstitutional, and in spite of the democratic mantra that every vote should count, they overruled Prop 187 and the will of the voters of California.

Villaraigosa sponsored AB 873 which extends Food Stamps, Cash Aid and WIC to immigrants.

He also supports AB 2417, a Cash and Food Assistance Program for immigrants.

I have a flyer that was passed out in South Central Los Angeles that says," You can receive Health care, Food Stamps, Public housing, Child care services, Cash Welfare and more without hurting your chances of getting a green card." Now obviously, if you don't have a green card you are not in the U.S. legally! So why do American tax payers have to foot the bill for illegal Alien deadbeats?

Immigrants are supposed to be an asset to American society not a liability. It appears that Villaraigosa is all about importing poverty at the expense of the US taxpayers.

I'd like to point out that rolling blackouts darken 6 million California homes at a time, The exact census estimate of illegal Aliens in California! Now it doesn't take rocket science to see what the problem is.  Enforce immigration laws in California...No more rolling blackouts!

Villaraigosa's politics and loyalties are Totally one sided. Unlike Mayor Tom Bradley who represented all ethnic groups, including Whites. I never heard Tom Bradley say "I'm proud to be African" or rally with Black separatist groups.

This man, Antonio Villaraigosa, was lobbied by the father of a convicted drug kingpin (who donated thousands to his campaign), and he personally petitioned the President of the United States for that drug lord's early release.

When exposed, Villaraigosa's explanation was that he went with his heart, and that he didn't investigate the facts. He helped win the freedom of a man caught distributing close to a half a ton of COCAINE!

Mr. Villaraigosa I'd like to ask you, What solution you have besides amnesty! that deals with the impact of massive illegal migration on the backs of the US citizens and Taxpayers, especially those in the Afro American community?