May 17, 2001

...Regarding your hypocritical message, I am a proud Mexican that was born and raised in the USA. Your comments on the Mexicans on welfare, well have you checked on how many blacks are on welfare and how they are always the first to cry about their rights and what they think they deserve do to that slavery BS such as yourself? What about all the illegal crap that blacks are up to, it seems you turn a blind eye to that stuff, and especially one who resides in South-central, LA. I think you should clean up your own back yard before you do all that crying and you should also send these BS messages to your own kind. I am also a taxpayer that support all them blacks on welfare and you know that's a lot of blacks. Please try and not be offended by my response to your rhetoric and if you don't have anything nice to say try and keep your BS to yourself.

A Brown and Proud Mexican

>>Regarding your hypocritical message, I am a proud Mexican that was born and raised in the USA.<<

I am a proud American, Born and raised in America, A descendant of an American Black woman and a Spanish Honduran Man. My father did not want to become an American citizen, so he went back to Honduras where he lived until he died. I regret seeing inspite of you being born in America that you consider yourself Mexican instead of an American. Ever consider going back to live in your Glorious Homeland?.....I doubt it.

>>Your comments on the Mexicans on welfare, well have you checked on how many blacks are on welfare and how they are always the first to cry about their rights and what they think they deserve do to that slavery BS such as yourself?<<

First of all if an American Black is on welfare, they are with in their right as a citizen who qualifies under welfare rules. On the other hand an illegal migrant receiving welfare benefits in my opinion can be in no way equated with an American citizen receiving aid.  For your information Blacks make up 7% of the population in California, and so called Hispanics make up 35%. If every Black in California was on Welfare it wouldn't come close to the Hispanic numbers, much less whites. Again the issue is illegal Aliens receiving benefits, not Americans. As to crying about rights and Slavery BS such as Myself? As an American I have certain inalienable rights as you do, but illegal Aliens have none. I personally consider slavery to be my Ancestors contribution to the America I'm trying to preserve.

>>What about all the illegal crap that blacks are up to, it seems you turn a blind eye to that stuff, and especially one who resides in South-central, LA. I think you should clean up your own back yard before you do all that crying and you should also send these BS messages to your own kind.<<

American citizens who commit crimes are and should be punished to the full extent of the law, and as for your compadres who rush our borders they should have the full extent of the law applied to them as well. As to my back yard, your compadres are squatting in my backyard and that's what I'm trying to clean up. As to my so called own kind, Blacks make up of a very small percentage of illegal Aliens and I feel they should be deported too.

>>I am also a taxpayer that support all them blacks on welfare and you know that's a lot of blacks. Please try and not be offended by my response to your rhetoric and if you don't have anything nice to say try and keep your BS to yourself.<<

Again the subject is Antonio Villaraigosa and the impact of illegal Aliens on U.S. taxpayers and I 'm sorry that you can't see through your blind hatred for Blacks clear enough to follow a decent subject.

>>A Brown and Proud Mexican <<

A Proud American