May 12, 2001

Dear Hal

I think it's a good idea to show the real intolerance of the MEChistAs. The article celebrating the shooting of that poor Border Patrol agent was absolutely disgusting. And it raises an important point. How do the MEChistAs treat American citizens of Mexican ancestry who don't agree with them?

Generally, a guerrilla organization that claims to fight for the people against oppressors kills more of its own people than it does of the so-called oppressors. For example, the PLO (or as its now known, the Palestinian Authority) has killed a lot of Palestinian Arabs who it accused of collaborating with Israel. Even after the Oslo Accord was signed, and Arafat and cronies were in Israeli territory, they killed a lot of Palestinians accused of collaboration.

Can you imagine what would result if the MEChistAs or some similar organization took control of some part of U.S. territory?  How would they treat patriotic Americans of Mexican ancestry? Well, look how they view the death of Luis Santiago! And according to them was guarding a false border!

These guys do not strike me as being tolerant!

Name Withheld

May 12, 2001

You're right. It is laughable when Mechistas write to me saying that I am intolerant. I have yet to have a Mechista tell me exactly what it is that I am intolerant of.

Their communications is almost always confrontational with personal attacks as their main line of defense. I try to be open minded and examine my writings to see if I can find what it is that reflects my alleged intolerance. The only thing that I can find that I believe they label as intolerance, is that I disagree with them and their politics or maybe they mean that I am intolerant of their desire to liberate Aztlan.

I have had Mechistas say that I shouldn't label them together because they aren't all bad. But the point that is missed, is that when Mechistas don't speak up against other Mechistas who advocate the overthrow of America, they must share the guilt.

I posted the "Migra Pig" article so that Mechistas could take a good look at themselves. As you can see, not a one has repudiated it. There may be some Mechistas that would like to repudiate that Raza publication of hate (and hundreds more), but they are bound with separatist loyalty that might bring to them "embarrassing" controversy from MEChA and other Raza organizations.

Hal Netkin

P.S. I don't think that Border Patrol officer was shot. I think he fell to his death.