May 7, 2001

Hi Hal:

I am from Central California where several years ago a Mecha club was started in the local high school in opposition to many of the parents including some Hispanic parents.

I wish I had at the time, your articulated answers which you wrote to that Yale student. I would have argued against forming a Mecha club with clarity and logic as you did in your letter. Of course it might not have done any good, because the school board felt compelled to go along with the new club or face accusations of being called racists.

Did Flores ever follow up with a rebuttal to your rebuttal? If so, please post it.

Name Withheld


Dear Withheld

Ms. Flores has not yet answered my last response.  She was in the middle of studying for finals, so her priorities may have temporarily shifted. But I will forward the text of your email letter to her (your ID will not be revealed).

Hal Netkin