April 28, 2001

Dear Mr. Netkin:

I live in Sherman Oaks and am one of the people who yesterday received your automated telephone message. At first, I thought you were some kind of nut, but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to check your web site out.

I recently read an account of Mr. Villaraigosa's college day activism in the Times (I was an activist myself), but I had never heard of the MEChA organization and the Times article I read made no mention of it. I agree with what you said in reply to Mr. Villaraigosa's aid, that we shouldn't hold his MEChA past against him if it was indeed in the past. But your sight amply shows that he is still involved with the movement, at least indirectly. I had also never heard of Special Order 40, which according to you, is a mandate favored by Mr. Villaraigosa.

After spending about an hour visiting your site, my opinion of you went from being skeptical to trusting you. In fact, you can expect an on-line donation from me. But as someone in the investment business, I feel like it would be a pity to invest in expensive automatic message machines if you're going to let them collect dust after June 10.

I wasn't going to vote for Villaraigosa, but I'm glad I got your enlightening telephone message anyway. You have found an effective way to reach citizens. And from what I see, your grass roots efforts just may be instrumental in swinging this election in Hahn's favor.

Mr. Netkin, why don't you utilize your message machines (maybe get a whole array of them) after the election to take on other issues, like illegal street vending, Special Order 40, and etc. You can count on me for support.


Name Withheld


Dear Mr. Withheld:

Thanks for your letter of confidence and for your donation.

I like your idea, but I would like to see what the outcome of the mayoral election will be before making any commitments. Tell you what, I will post a "vote of confidence" page on this site to get the opinions of the supporters.

Hal Netkin