April 28, 2001

you're a moron.  when i like to think of you, i think you're a moron.  i'm a student at yale university.  trust me, you have no intellectual appeal in your provincial website.  you will never amount to anything.  because you are an idiot.  for no other reason.  you're a small, small person in the grand scheme of things and you have found yourself in the midst of something you can no longer control.  i hope you find some meaning in your personal life, because you lack the intelligence and the persuasivness of a true politician.

Name Withheld


Dear Mr. Withheld:

When I received your empty message lacking in intelligence, containing no substance, and consisting only of a personal attack against me, I felt certain that you were bluffing about being a Yale student. But then I realized from your email address that you actually were. The only explanation I can come up with, is that you are a dunce allowed into Yale only because of "affirmative action."

Hal Netkin