April 25, 2001


I like what your doing and your website and your cause, but I wont be supporting you.  Your header message should also list you. "Racists, Holocaust Deniers, etc.." are Un-American?  You have no business acting as if you know about the 6 millionm and it's completely irralivant to this cause. 

What are jews and latinos and almost everyone else?  Jews are racists too in their own ways, plenty racist.  It's not honest for you to point fingers at all those groups and not consider what you are in the big picture.

By you making such an EXCLUSIONARY statement you become no better then what you list.  It's a form of self righteousness and that doesn't work for me.  Your going to lose alot of support for EXCLUDING most of America.

The ex-INS head, Dorris M. (jew) pretty much states what most of Americas race-mixing/culture-mexing jews stand for.  Jews have an extreme role in the cultural destruction of America.

By the way, I'm dating a Salvadorian and am not anything you list in your header, except perhaps the 6 million issue.  But I am a realist and know not all cultures are created equal and some are more guilty then others.  To attack immigration correctly, America's jews need to be the first held accountible.

Thanks for your time,
Name Withheld


There you have it folks. I'm being accused of being a racist by a holacaust denier (racist). He says our cause can't succeed unless we all admit we're racists (when we're not).