July 13, 2001

Some of the most grotesque bottom feeders come out of MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), the seditionist Chicano (U.S. born of Mexican descent) student revolutionaries whose national constitution calls for the liberation of Aztlan - the southwestern U.S. states. MEChA chapters flourish at universities and colleges and most high schools throughout California and the Southwest (at tax payer's expense) and, though claiming only to share culture with each other, they brainwash and radicalize students.

Hector Carreon, the head honcho at La Voz de Aztlan <www.aztlan.net> and affiliate Nation of Aztlan (site no longer active) have been and are MEChA operatives. The sites are virulently anti-Semitic, militant and racist. Carreon has in the past established a registry of MEChistas (the name for MEChA members), consisting of 34 web pages of MEChA names, their colleges, addresses, and emails. There are hundreds of listings, some with militant messages.

Hector Carreon used to link to MEChA, but since Carreon's sites have become so hideous, he shields MEChA by eliminating those links -- probably to help MEChA in its facade as an innocent student cultural organization.

MEChA's refusal to repudiate La Voz de Aztlan and Nation of Aztlan, is strong evidence that MEChA is in cahoots with Hector Carreon and his antisemitic agenda.

Name Withheld